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Am I not good enough for him?

Dr. LoveI have been married for three years now and we have been planning a family. The problem is, my husband can’t seem to stop looking at other women. He comments on actresses, stares at women at the mall, talks about women on Facebook and it all makes me feel very insecure. Does this mean I am not enough for him? Why should he feel the need to look at anyone else when he is with me? I don’t know if he will leave me someday if I stop looking good. How do I decide whether or not I should have a family with someone like this?
It is perfectly normal for married people to look at other men or women, provided they don’t have relationships with them. If your husband likes looking at women, it is because he is biologically programmed to do so. What he isn’t programmed to do is treat them like objects or comment on how they look, because that is where the disrespect comes in. This doesn’t imply that he is tired of you, or that he may tire of you if you stop looking the way you do, or that he isn’t someone you should have a family with. What it does signify, unfortunately, is that he has regressive ideas that may need to change. Speak to him about what this makes you feel, and share your insecurities with him, because most men are denied a female perspective. He needs an education more than a lecture. Give him a chance to change and, if he values your presence in his life, he will.

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