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Radio Club Prez booked for 'attempting to kill' public prosecutor

The Colaba police on Tuesday filed an attempt to murder case against president of the prestigious Bombay Presidency Radio Club (BPRC) Harish Garg, on the directive of Esplanade court. The complainant is advocate and special public prosecutor of the Income Tax department Ravi Goenka, who alleges Garg attacked him and threatened to kill him. This case seems to be the latest in the tussle between Garg and Goenka. BPRC sources told mid-day that the bellicose rhetoric between the duo escalated during elections at the club last year. Goenka, who is a member of the club since 10 years, claims that he was attacked on December 12, 2018, after he tried to expose Garg, whom he claims is involved in the 'highest level of malpractices'.

Threatened to kill
Goenka said, "The Colaba police had filed a non-cognisable (NC) offence in the matter despite me repeatedly telling them that Garg, who was heavily drunk at the time of the assault at the club, threatened to kill me. The on-duty officer at the time did not file a case under section 307 (attempt to murder) against Garg who had all plans to eliminate me after he learnt that I'd contested the managing committee elections against him. He was also annoyed with me because I'd already filed civil and criminal cases against him." Goenka approached the Esplanade court after the Colaba police failed to register the case against Garg. On February 13, the additional chief metropolitan magistrate IR Shaikh at the 8th Court, Esplanade ordered the senior inspector of Colaba police station, "Prima facie it appears that the matter needs detailed investigation under section 156 (3) of Cr PC. Hence, the complaint [should] be sent to the Sr PI of Colaba police station for inquiry and report."

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Elections challenged
Goenka, who has also challenged in court the Radio Club elections, said in his complaint. "The elections at Radio Club were held by one NR Ajwani who had ceased to be the member of the club on March 6, 2014." Ajwani was terminated from his service in the Army on the grounds of espionage.Goenka further said, "By no stretch of the imagination could Ajwani be present at the Annual General Meeting of BPRC as a member on September 28, 2018, and Garg appointing Ajwani as the presiding officer for the elections was a far-fetched approach. The appointment was not legally binding and since that was the case, the results signed by Ajwani do not have any force either since he was not a member when he signed the results of the meeting." Goenka has also alleged that, "BPRC, its committee members and past president have been accused in one case or another involving serious offences. Two committee members are involved in outraging the modesty of woman who is still awaiting justice, while other committee members are involved in massive corruption and embezzlement of funds."

Police speak
Meanwhile, zonal deputy commissioner of police Abhishek Trimukhe confirmed that the FIR has been registered. Trimukhe said, "There is a dispute between both of them over elections at the Radio Club. Since one of the parties had approached Colaba police, we registered NC. But we acted swiftly after the court order and registered an FIR under section 307 against the accused." However, no arrest has been made so far in the case. "We are thoroughly investigating the matter," said Trimukhe.

The other side
Speaking to mid-day about the allegations against him, all Garg said was, "All the allegations made by him [Goenka] are baseless. The matter is sub-judice, so I won't be able to comment much over the issue."

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